Campaign snapshot
viewers used positive attributes to describe Frito-Lay integrations
of viewers considered Rold Gold as a go-to snack
The Challenge
As one of the most powerful brands in the snack market, Frito-Lay hopes to utilize meaningful product placements to maintain relevancy with a younger audience and stake claim in the non-ad-supported space.
The Approach
Highlighting the Frito-Lay portfolio across non-ad and ad-light content allows for the seamless integration of products into curated entertainment experiences appealing to the sensibilities of the brand swimlane and creating a consensus between character and consumer.
The Results
Partnering with BENlabs put some of their biggest products like Cheetos, Lays, and Doritos directly in the hands of today’s biggest actors through some of the most popular shows of the year. Working directly with producers and writers, BENlabs found moments of situational salience and authentically integrated products into key scenes of popular content. High-quality integrations engaged diverse audiences and over-delivered on projected KPIs.